Bosco Marengo, July 2020
METLAC Group has inaugurated, inside Metlac plant in Bosco Marengo, a new production facility, dedicated to manufacturing coatings for the Beer and Beverage business.
In the new facility 8 mixing vessels have been installed: each vessel has 35 cubic-metre capacity and an automatic system for loading from external vessels or loading from below by means of a dedicated pump. The facility includes 4 semiautomatic filling machines for IBC’s or refilling into 7 storage
vessels, each one having 50 cubic-metre capacity. The mixers are equipped with dedicated cleaning systems. The daily production capacity of this new facility is 280 tonnes .
The picture portrays the ribbon cutting by the Company’s Founder and CEO, Pier Ugo Bocchio, together with the Beer and Beverage business dedicated team.